Fashionably Eco-chic :: Jewelry Designer Lorraine Tasha West

This week I was so excited to see a new piece by friend and comrade in being fashionably eco-chic, Lorraine Tasha West. I wanted to profile the necklace (now on display at Anthropologie in Chelsea) and it’s fabulous creator. She has designed beautiful works for beautiful people such as Erykah Badu, Andre 3000, and me!

Who is Tasha West and what makes you fashionably eco-chic?
Tasha West is one of my names taken from a portion of my middle name Natasha.
Growing up my parents, siblings and close friends of the family called me Tasha.
At school and professionally as a grew older I was always called by my first name Lorraine.
Both names represented a different frequency and feeling.

Two years ago I decided to create a new brand identity after designing jewelry for performers and small boutiques for nearly 10 years without branding my work, calling a new line Tasha was like having an alter ego. I could create a new aesthetic and look at the work as an identity and not a person. Almost like a super hero coming to save the planet with style.

Tasha West Jewelry was launched in April 2008
The brand represents high quality abstract, shapes, forms and spiritual themes
translated through the use of semi-precious metals stones, and natural found materials; such as wood, sea shells, recycled plastics, leather and metal scraps. Tasha West is giving you a taste of luxury at affordable prices ranging from $20.00 for a the Vision Wood Drop Earrings to $268.00 for an elaborate bib necklace with multiple brass spear pendants (Asea Scale Bib Necklace) draped around vintage red brass bar chain.
The goal for Tasha West jewelry is to allow the wearer to express beauty,
individual self expression while being in a high fashion, and Eco conscious state of mind.

All of the pieces are hand made in Lorraine Natasha West’s Brooklyn’s Studio using only non toxic compounds for polishing metal and as many recyclable materials as possible. I want to keep all production in the United States to stimulate the economy and to over see the quality control of every piece that is produced.

Tell us about your shell necklace?
The Shell Necklace I created for Anthropology was made for its show form in the main entry at the New Chelsea Market location. The inspiration was an Hawaiian Lei Necklace shape to balance and give a pop of softness and pick tones next to the dyed blue paper skit.
For me I wanted to express a woman’s experience
in Paradise and how she can use natural found and organic materials and create something sophisticated. The materials used for the shell necklace was found broken ceramic plates and tiles, natural white dried coral, sea shells, on ivory cotton twine. Each piece of shell and tile were drilled by hand making the piece more couture.

Where can we find some more of your eco-friendly jewelry?
You can find my jewelry at

I plan to start a Tasha West Etsy site to sell affordable limited edition colorful,
playful and nostalgic themed jewelry.

I can also be found at the Fort Greene Brooklyn Flea on Saturdays
At the corner Lafayette Bet Clermont and Vanderbilt from 10am-5pm, selling
limited one, two and three of a kind new classic TW and LWest Classic pieces.

Thank you and stay inspired and blessed!


YGL staff