Multiple thawing, reheating, and refreezing of food encourages bacteria to grow. Some simple tips that the pros use to keep your food taste, safe, and bacteria free:
Tip 1: Cook Once, Reheat Once
If something is cooked once, you should only reheat it one time.
Tip 2: Portion Freezing
If you cook a large batch of a dish, freeze it in portions so that you only use what you need at any given time.
Tip 3: Thaw Once
This same notion applies for food that is thawed; avoid thawing and then refreezing food (refer to tip 2)
If you don’t have a compost bin, a convenient and odor-free way to store them before drop of is storing them a zip lock bag and putting it in the freezer.
Check your local websites for local composting workshops, drop-off points, and events.
NYC: LES Ecology Center
LA: Department of Public Works
Atlanta: Composting at Atlanta Botanical Garden
If you need support finding compost centers in your city, send me an email: