Seasonal Eating :: September :: Figs + Recipe

“Figs are restorative, and the best food that can be taken by those who
are brought low by long sickness…professed wrestlers and champions
were in times past fed with figs.”

* Pliny, Roman naturalist (A.D. 23-79)

This post comes a little late in the season but now is actually a great time to catch some wonderfully sweet figs.

1 cup of figs provide Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C, E, K, folate, fiber (30% of daily needs), calcium, chloride, magnesium, iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, zinc.

Lowers high blood pressure naturally and is a great source of calcium for promoting bone density. Studies also show that healthy sources of fiber decrease the risk of breast cancer by almost 35%.

Pick em and Store em
Only purchase figs you plan on using within 1-3 days of purchasing, as they are very perishable. They should be soft but not mushy and give a light, sweet fragrant smell. I like to store my figs in a paper towel or dish towel lined glass bowl to prevent easy bruising.

Roasted Figs with Coconut Milk Vanilla Ice Cream

(ingredients are always organic unless noted otherwise)
1 lb. fresh figs
1/4 cup Agave or light brown sugar or alternate liquid sweetener.
3 TB 12 Year Old Balsamic*
Store-bought Coconut Milk Ice Cream or Make Your Own!

Preheat the oven to 375 degrees.
Wash and delicately dry the figs. Slice in half.
Place in a baking dish and drizzle with balsamic and sweetener.
Roast for 15 minutes or more until they begin to brown.
Serve with a large scoop of ice cream and drizzle with remaining syrup from roasting.


YGL staff