If you need a refresher on Part 1 from April, Spring Clean Your Diet Series: Part 1.
And our March 2010 feature, Spring Clean/Detox Your Kitchen.
Today’s part 2 is focused on liquid consumption. Incorporating these 3 tips will also support healthy weight lose.
1: Drink Clean Water
Our bodies are mostly water, approximately 85% of your brain, 80% of your blood and 70% of your muscle is water. So logically, our bodies need water as a source of replenishment. But I even find it a challenge at times to make sure I am always drinking water. One system I’ve developed is simply making sure I drink 1 cup of water (about 8-12 ounces) every hour on the hour between the hours of 9-5. If you have a cell phone or your on your computer for a major part of the day, set a reminder alert for every hour.
Also carry water with you throughout the day in either a glass re-purposed bottle or one of the many stainless steel reusable bottles on the market. It is important to drink water throughout the day to support your system, not always just in one shot.
2: Drink A Green Juice
Everyday for the next week, find a way to incorporate a green drink in your diet, preferably in the morning. Whether it be a shot of wheatgrass, adding spinach or kale to your morning smoothie, or juicing, find a way to have it in liquid form.
Green Juice of Champions
2 bunches of greens (kale, spinach, chard etc)
1/2 bunch parsley
1 inch piece of ginger
half of a lemon
2-3 apples
Juice em!
3: 2 Cups o Tea a Day
The benefits of tea are undeniable. Most teas contain antioxidant, may reduce your risk of heart attack and stroke, can boost your immune system, and phytochemicals that protect your bones. Unbeknown to many, teas actually contains fluoride and tannins, so drinking unsweetened tea, and brushing afterward (some teas can cause stains), can aid your smile.