Yoli reporting live from the Duane Reade VIP Blogger Team. Declaration: I am the green gal’s and guy’s guide to all that is sustainable and healthy at Duane Reade. A week ago, Duane Reade revealed that over the course of a year, 25% of their delivery fleet will be comprised of 100% electric trucks.
By partnering with Mission Electric, New Yorkers can vote for which Duane Reade locations should receive these new trucks. Anyone who votes also receives a chance to win Duane Reade green gift cards and gift prizes. There are only 20 days left to vote, so make sure you get your vote in!
“Partnering with Mission Electric is an important component of our effort to be green,” said Michael Fowles, Fleet Manager of Duane Reade. “This exciting project is an excellent way for us to get our stores and our customers involved in the process of a cleaner future. It fosters true engagement around common urban challenges of air pollution, noise, and congestion. Through this program we can more easily work together to continue to make NYC such a wonderful place to live and visit.”
“New Yorkers live in the fast lane, and this partnership will help them also take the green lane,” said David Bragdon, Director of the New York City Mayor’s Office of Long-Term Planning and Sustainability. “The City’s own municipal fleet is the second-largest public sector fleet in the nation, after the Federal Government’s, but it is important for the private sector to do its part too. Duane Reade’s investment in electric vehicles will help meet our ambitious PlaNYC goal of reducing NYC’s green house gas emissions. We’re pleased to work with all the partners in the Mission Electric campaign to drive forward to a greener, cleaner city.”
Kudos to Duane Reade for taking a great step in reducing the amount of pollution in the city. By converting to these new Smith Electric trucks, it will reduce Duane Reade’s greenhouse gas impact by up to 20%, which is like removing over 1,000 vehicle tailpipe emissions.
To see the Duane Reade in all it’s glory via photos, check out my gallery Duane Reade Electric Trucks. To find the closest Duane Reade, check out their store locator. And the team behind @duanereade #DReade on twitter are super helpful.
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