Almost two months ago, I was invited by Happy Baby to engage in a discussion of food issues today regarding nutrition for children, including the importance of organic food to hunger in a America. Shazi Visram, CEO of Happy Baby interviewed chef Tom Colicchio at one his restaurant, Colicchio & Sons. Here is a video of the dialogue and at the end, I was able to ask Chef Colicchio about his sense of personal obligation in using organic food in his restaurant (at 4:27 in the video).
Happy Baby is a line of organic baby food available at various retailers including my fav, Duane Reade. In fact, the Duane Reade on 99th and columbus has an entire Happy Baby freezer! I’ve introduce the line to many families who would have otherwise not been exposed to these options and the babies love it. Children have mature palettes that love and appreciate vegetables when you introduce it early. It is the easiest thing to get my neighbors daughter to eat any vegetable or fruit because we customized her palette.
What are some of the challenges you face with children and food, if any?