Foods for Muscle and Joint Pain

Muscle and joint pain can be extremely discomforting. Our muscles are constantly in use and if they are overused or strained above their physical limits, pain is most likely to result. The intensity of the pain depends on the location and the degree to which the muscles and ligaments are affected. Sometimes an injury, disease and even aging can result in muscle and joint soreness. The good news is that with proper care and nutrition, you can sooth and heal your aching muscles and joints, and shoo the pain away.

While vitamin D and calcium are essential to keep your bones healthy, there are certain foods that have the essential nutrients that can heal muscle and joint pain. Many a times, the absence of these nutrients can also lead to muscle pain. Here is a list of foods that can help you to plan your diet to keep muscle and joint pain at bay.

Vitamin C Rich Foods

Free radicals in the body can harm and erode your joints, which can lead to stiff and painful joints. Vitamin C neutralizes these free radicals and hence protects your bones. Include a variety of vitamin C rich food in your diet to keep your bones healthy. Berries, melons, kiwis, peppers, bell peppers, dark leafy vegetables, guavas, papayas, citrus fruits like oranges, etc., are some of the excellent sources of vitamin C.

Oats and Wheat Germs

We know that having a bowl of oatmeal with a generous sprinkle of wheat germs for breakfast is an ideal way to start your day because of its fiber content. But, did you know that it will also help in healing your stiff bones? Wheat germs are rich in Vitamin E that is fundamental to induce healing. Octacosanol, known to enhance the flow of oxygen in the muscles is present in good quantities in wheat germs. Oats are rich in silicon which helps in the formation of connective tissues. So a bowl of oatmeal with wheat germs is a bowl of goodness for your bones.

Note from Yoli: The issue with processed wheat flour is that the germ is often removed and that contains the Vitamin E nutrients. Those who suffer from chronic joint paint and auto-immune diseases should ideally avoid dairy and gluten as a whole as they can increase inflammation, especially during flare ups.

As an alternate option to the wheat germ, you can use sunflower seeds, organic dried apricots (without sulfites), pumpkin seeds, flax seeds, and whole nuts as a source of vitamin E.

Vitamin B Rich Foods

Food rich in Vitamin B helps to reduce inflammation of the joints and hence can help you to get rid of the pain. Tofu, cottage cheese, sunflower seeds, fish, etc., are rich in vitamin B-3. Soybeans, whole grain cereal, lentils are rich in vitamin B-5. Including a variety of vitamin B rich food can keep you away from the discomfort caused by such pains.

Omega -3 Fatty Acids:

Increase your intake of omega-3 fatty acid rich foods. Among all the health benefits associated with it, they also help to decrease inflammation of muscles and hence ease the pain. Avocados, walnuts, salmon, flax seeds, olive oil, etc., are a great source of this essential nutrient.

Herbs that Help

Herbs like turmeric and ginger are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Add them to your stews and curries to ward off muscle and joint pain.

By including the above listed food in your diet, you can minimize your chances of suffering from muscle and joint pain. It is also essential to know about foods that induce muscle and joint pain. Avoid processed fast foods as they are rich in sodium and are known to increase swelling. Remember a healthy diet is the key to a healthy body.

Disclaimer: This article is for informative purpose only. If your joint and muscle pain is severe, please consult a health practitioner, doctor, or naturopath.

Shomaila Issam

Shomaila Issam is a modern-age, young and motivating freelance health and fitness writer with over 5 years of experience in the health field. With knowledge in medicine and psychology, she has written a myriad of articles on healthy and organic living, physical fitness, exercise, yoga, martial arts and meditation. She has also contributed to numerous reputable sites and has written over thousands of articles associated with diseases, injuries and their treatments.