Many of my friends know I do not have my license. I’m a native NYer where the notion for many is “I can cab, bus, train it anywhere in the city, why do I need a license.” Well this notion has changed and I will hopefully in the near future start working on getting one.
Christen of, me, Claire Summer of
But in the meantime I lived vicariously through my friend Christen of I was immediately attracted to a neon green car and was she (and she matched!). Turns out this car of brightness was a Ford Mustang GT vroom vroom. I may not know a lot about cars but I do know about Mustangs and it shear engine power.
And the part of life that Ford decided to take on is breast cancer. According to the American Cancer Society:
– About 232,340 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women.
– About 64,640 new cases of carcinoma in situ (CIS) will be diagnosed (CIS is non-invasive and is the earliest form of breast cancer).
– About 39,620 women will die from breast cancer
During the test drive day, Ford launched “Pink Friday” in an effort to raise awareness around breast cancer and the importance of early detection. Ford Warriors in Pink donated $50 for each of the first 200 test drives to the Young Survival Coalition to help directly improve the lives of thousands of young breast cancer survivors.
2013 marks Ford’s 19th year of support in the fight against breast cancer. To date, Ford has donated more than $115 million to the cause. The Ford Warriors in Pink line of apparel and accessories is available exclusively on
“Ford had a lot planned for this year’s festival, and we are excited for all that the weekend had to offer,” said Shawn Thompson, Multicultural Marketing Manager for Ford. “We hope attendees walked away with not only a greater awareness of our newest products, but also of our continued commitment to the empowerment of African American culture.”
At a dinner, we were able to learn more about Ford Fusion.
Ford provides a lot of eco-friendly options in it’s fleet especially from Ford Fusion.
Consumers can select from hybrid and plug-in hybrid alternatives, a pair of EcoBoost™ four-cylinder engines, a normally aspirated four-cylinder engine, an automatic start stop system to shut off the engine at stationary idle, front-wheel drive and all-wheel drive applications, and a choice between automatic and manually shifted six-speed transmissions.
The #FordAnd campaign makes sense, especially when it pertains to their eco features. “FordAnd speaks about the features that are included in each Ford vehicle, but the real features are the experiences and possibilities that you get from your Ford. These vehicles will do just about everything except compromise your lifestyle,” says Justin T. Trapp, Associate Creative Director/Copywriter at UniWorld Group.
I hope to bring you more about green cars in the near future. In the not so distance past, here is my coverage of green cars from the NY Auto Show last year.