Originally the guide was to make it’s debut on Earth Day but then I soon learned May would be the most appropriate date because it is “Pregnancy Awareness Month!”
For months, I’ve been working on a guide for new moms that want to start going green and soon learned the guide is also resource for dads, aunts, uncles, caretakers, family, and friends.
By providing this guide, I hope to share some green insights and ways to care for your baby during these crucial times of early development. These are simple and easy tidbits I’ve shared with new moms when I practiced as a doula. As the eldest of six children, I’ve learned from the best: my mom. I’ve collected these lessons and highlighted them from an eco perspective. In the guide, there are tips for best practices, products, and moments of reflection for you. In a sea of green products that are available on the market, I hope to highlight some great ones that will serve you and your family for years to come.
To download the guide, subscribe to Yoli’s Green Living. If you are already a subscriber, you will receive our new and improved newsletter to download the guide.
Hope you have all have a wonderful week!