Manuka honey is a special type of honey from Australia and New Zealand, containing both antibacterial and anti-inflammatory ingredients. Distinguishing Manuka honey from just everyday honey is very simple, once you know what to look for.
Tag: health
West Side Story II: Inspired in Irvine
In part two of our west side eco story, we explore Irvine, California and all it has to offer in wellness.
The Secret World of Avocados and Uncovering PMA’s Fresh Summit
Yoli got to explore the industry insiders view of the fresh produce and floral industry. See what she discovered.
West Side Sustainable Story: California Travel Edition
When you’re looking for a place dedicated to environmentally-friendly practices, the state of California clearly tops the list.
Yoli’s Guide to Dark, Leafy Greens
Our guide to some greens you might see at your local farmer’s market.